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Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Results 01/08/2011 (Senin)

Belt it out so the world can hear, you just unlocked a Marissa sticker! Share this one proudly & watch The Glee Project Sundays at 9/8c. It's brought to you by Verizon and our friends at Oxygen.
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What happens when six rejected bachelors talk about their experiences with Ashley? What will they say about Bentley? Thanks for watching tonight, and be sure to tune in Monday night at 8/7c on ABC to see the season finale of The Bachelorette. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at ABC.
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Great white sharks, in large numbers, are now suddenly being found swimming among surfers and vacationers. Keep watching to find out why and where. Thanks for watching Shark Week! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Discovery.
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You taking a bit out of Shark Week. Tune in all week for all the excitement, and check-in for exclusive stickers! Thanks for watching Shark Week! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Discovery.
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You are watching the premiere of American Ninja Warrior. With $500,000 on the line, will someone from the West conquer the Ninja Course? Tune in Sundays on G4. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at G4.
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Don't let Parker's tiny size fool you: she's hugely talented as a thief. Thanks for watching Leverage tonight! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at TNT.
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Thanks for watching True Blood tonight. We'd tell you to stay 'til the end of the credits as "I Wish I Was the Moon" plays, but we know you won't be able to tear yourself away. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO.
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Thanks for watching Entourage tonight! What will Ari and Lloyd be up to this episode? Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO.
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You're watching passionate shark expert and U.S. Fisheries scientist Greg Skomal as he documents six months following five great whites with names like Curly and Ruthless. Thanks for watching Shark Week! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Discovery.
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You're watching Larry challenge the rules of dating. Thanks for tuning in! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at HBO.
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You're watching the season finale of The Real L Word. What drama will unfold this episode? Thanks for watching! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Showtime
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Can Saul provide the help that Skyler needs? Thanks for watching "Open House," tonight's episode of Breaking Bad. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at AMC.
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You are a fan of the sharks of Shark Week! You are learning the ins and outs of rogue sharks, and the deadliest attacks! Thanks for watching Shark Week! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Discovery.
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Semua Acara Shark Week

Congratulations Superfan! You've got real Bad Girl status. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Oxygen.
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15 Times
Love has a funny way of making us stupid. Thank you for checking-in and seeing Crazy, Stupid, Love. this weekend. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros..
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We hope you had a smurftastic time at this movie! Thank you for seeing the Smurfs in theaters. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures.
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We hope you enjoyed this thrilling western/sci-fi/action movie mashup. Thank you for seeing Cowboys & Aliens in theaters. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Pictures.
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The truth is out there and they chose you...
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Manfaat Sholat Tarawih

Shalat Tarawih merupakan shalat sunnah yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Ramadan. Setiap kali masanya tiba, berduyun-duyun masjid menjadi penuh selepas waktu Isya. Namun apa sebetulnya manfaat dan janji Allah yang dimaktubkan dalam Shalat Tarawih?

Sebuah hadits diriwayatkan dari Ali bin Abi Thalib R.A, bahwa suatu hari Rasullullah SAW ditanya oleh sahabatnya, tentang keistimewaan shalat tarawih pada bulan Ramadan. Maka Rasullullah SAW bersabda; Siapa yang melaksanakan shalat tarawih pada :

Malam ke-1:
Terlepaslah ia dari dosa-dosanya seperti ketika ia baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya.

Malam ke-2:
Allah swt memberi pengampunan kepadanya dan kepada kedua orang tuanya jika keduanya mukmin (orang yang beriman)

Malam ke-3:
Malaikat berseru dari bawah Arsy ; mulailah beramal semoga Allah SWT mengampuni dosa-dosamu yang telah lalu.

Malam ke-4:
Mendapatkan pahala sama dengan pahala membaca Taurat, Injil, Zabur, dan Al-Furqon (al Quran)

Malam ke-5:
Allah memberi pahala kepadanya seperti pahala orang yang shalat di Masjid Alharam (masjidil haram) di Makkah,masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan masjid Al Aqsha di Palestina.

Malam ke-6:
Allah akan memberi pahala seperti pahala orang yang tawaf di-baitul mamur, dan batu-batu serta tanah liat memohonkan ampun untuknya. (subhanallah sungguh luar biasa, batu dan tanah yang kita injak selama ini,ternyata bisa memintakan ampunan kepada Allah untuk kita).

Malam ke-7:
Seakan-akan dia berjumpa nabi Musa a.s kemudian menolongnya dari Kerajaan Firaun dan Hamman.

Malam ke-8:
Allah memberikan kepadanya, apa yang pernah Allah berikan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s

Malam ke-9:
Dia menjadi seperti seorang hamba Allah yang beribadah kepadanya seperti ibadahnya seorang nabi.

Malam ke-10:
Allah memberikan anugerah kepadanya,berupa kebaikan dunia dan kebaikan akhirat.

Malam ke-11:
Maka ia akan meninggal dunia dalam keadaan seperti bayi yang baru lahir (meninggal dengan tanpa membawa dosa /husnul khotimah)

Malam ke-12:
Pada Hari Kiamat, Anda akan bangkit dengan muka cemerlang seperti bulan.

Malam ke-13:
Pada Hari kiamat, Anda akan bebas dari ketakutan yang membuat manusia sedih.

Malam ke-14:
Para malaikat memberi kesaksian shalat tarawih anda, dan Allah tidak menghisab anda lagi.

Malam ke-15:
Anda akan menerima shalawat dari para malaikat, termasuk malaikat penjaga Arsy dan Kursi.

Malam ke-16:
Anda akan mendapat tulisan “Selamat” dari Allah, anda bebas dari surga, dan lepas dari neraka.

Malam ke-17:
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para nabi.

Malam ke-18:
Malaikat akan memohon kepada Allah agar anda selalu mendapat restu.

Malam ke-19:
Allah akan mengangkat derajat anda ke Firdaus (surga yang tinggi)

Malam ke-20:
Diberikan pahala kepada anda sesuai pahala para syuhada dan shalihin.

Malam ke-21:
Allah akan membuatkan sebuah bangunan dari cahaya untuk anda disurga.

Malam ke-22:
Anda akan merasa aman dan bahagia pada hari kiamat, karena Anda terhindar dari rasa takut yang amat sangat.

Malam ke-23:
Allah akan membuat sebuah kota untuk Anda di dalam surga.

Malam ke-24:
Allah akan mengabulkan 24 permohonan Anda selagi Anda masih hidup di dunia.

Malam ke-25:
Anda akan bebas dari siksa kubur.

Malam ke-26:
Allah akan derajat amal kebaikan Anda sebagaimana derajat amal kebaikan Anda selama 40 tahun.

Malam ke-27:
Anda akan secepat kilat bila melewati Siratalmustakim nanti.

Malam ke-28:
Anda akan dinaikkan 1.000 kali oleh Allah di dalam surga kelak.

Malam ke-29:
Allah akan memberi pahala kepada Anda seperti Anda menjalani ibadah haji 1.000 kali yang diterima Allah.

Malam ke-30:
Allah menyuruh kepada Anda untuk memakan semua buah di surga, minum air kausar, mandi air salsabila (air surga), karena Allah Tuhan Anda, dan Anda hamba Allah yang setia.

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011

Results 31/07/2011 (Minggu)

Is there a future beyond the finish line? Thanks for watching THE CABIN on Hallmark Movie Channel. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Hallmark Channel.
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Thanks for checking-in when you spend time with your family. Keep checking-in to become a Superfan!
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5 Times
Nice job checking-in while you burn some calories. Keep it up to become a Superfan!
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5 Times
Thanks for checking-in whenever you go shopping. Keep it up to become a Superfan!
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5 Times
Hope your family loves all those scarves you made them! Thanks for sharing your love of textiles by checking-in 15 times.
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15 Times 
Thanks for checking-in whenever you scrapbook. Keep on archiving those memories to level up!
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5 Times
You’ve unlocked the Baking Fan sticker for liking and checking-in five times! Keep creating those tasty treats to level up.
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5 Times
Nice strike! Keep checking-in whenever you go bowling to unlock the Superfan Sticker.
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5 Times
Congrats on unlocking the Dog Fan sticker! Keep checking-in whenever you think of your furry friends to become a Dog Superfan.
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5 Times
You practice a lot of piano - congrats on unlocking the Fan sticker! Keep tickling those ivories to become a Superfan.
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5 Times
Five check-ins and a like makes you a Guitar Fan! Keep practicing those chords to become a Superfan.
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5 Times
Way to cut a rug! Now get back out on the floor and unlock the Superfan sticker.
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5 Times
Whether on the ice, street or in the field, you are definitely a Hockey Fan. Remember to keep checking-in to reach the Superfan level.
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5 Times
You’ve unlocked the Basketball Fan sticker for liking and checking-in five times. Keep checking-in when you play your favorite sport to level up!
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5 Times
Hey there, sports fan! Congrats on unlocking the Baseball Fan sticker. Keep checking-in to baseball whenever you practice hitting or catching to level up.
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5 Times
Nice shot! Congrats on unlocking the Soccer Fan sticker. Keep checking-in whenever you play to become a Superfan.
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5 Times
Touchdown! That’s five check-ins plus a like for the Football Fan sticker. Keep checking-in to level up.
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5 Times
You’ve kept your eye on the ball! Congrats on unlocking the Tennis Fan sticker. Keep practicing to level up.
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5 Times
Hopefully you enjoy writing, ‘cause you sure do a lot of it! Keep it up to become a Superfan.
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5 Times
Black, white, green, or herbal, you love your tea! That’s a like and five check-ins to this 3,000-year-old beverage. Drink up to level up to Superfan!
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5 Times
You're watching the premiere of Outnumbered, which follows the daily chaos of family life with two parents and three young children locked in an unequal power struggle. It’s family comedy that will make you think twice… about procreation! Part of BBC America’s MINISTRY OF LAUGHS, hosted by Chris Hardwick, Saturdays 10/9c. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at BBC America.
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You're watching the premiere of Friday Night Dinner. For The Goodmans, some things never change, like their weekly dinner - where the brothers act like kids again, and Mom and Dad are as embarrassing as they always have been. From creepy neighbors to family meetings in the restroom, there is never a dull moment at the Goodman residence. Friday Night Dinner stars Simon Bird (The Inbetweeners) & Tamsin Greig. Part of BBC America’s MINISTRY OF LAUGHS, hosted by Chris Hardwick, Saturdays 10/9c. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at BBC America.
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Watch as Donald and the other animals try to convince Griffin Keyes to stay at the Franklin Park Zoo as their Zookeeper. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Sony Pictures.
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Hey there, traveler! Congrats on unlocking the Road Trip Fan sticker. Keep checking-in whenever you hit the road to level up.
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5 Times
Congrats on unlocking the Ice Cream Fan Sticker. Think you really like ice cream? Keep checking-in to unlock the Superfan sticker!
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5 Times
Very nice, Cat Fan! Thanks for liking and checking-in 5 times. Keep pampering Fluffy to get to the next level.
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5 Times
Whether you’re a pro or just a huge karaoke fan, you’ll be a Singing Superfan in no time if you keep checking-in!
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5 Times
From her timeless hit songs to her ethereal style you love everything about the iconic Stevie Nicks. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros. Records.
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5 Times
Check! There’s a Superfan sticker ahead if you can keep capturing those pieces!
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5 Times


Ada seorang ibu rumah tangga yang memiliki 4 anak laki-laki. Urusan belanja, cucian, makan, kebersihan dan kerapihan rumah dapat ditanganinya dengan baik. Rumah tampak selalu rapih, bersih & teratur dan suami serta anak-anaknya sangat menghargai pengabdiannya itu.

Cuma ada satu masalah, ibu yang pembersih ini sangat tidak suka kalau karpet di rumahnya kotor. Ia bisa meledak dan marah berkepanjangan hanya gara-gara melihat jejak sepatu di atas karpet, dan suasana tidak enak akan berlangsung seharian. Padahal, dengan 4 anak laki-laki di rumah, hal ini mudah sekali terjadi dan menyiksanya.

Atas saran keluarganya, ia pergi menemui seorang psikolog bernama Virginia Satir, dan menceritakan masalahnya. Setelah mendengarkan cerita sang ibu dengan penuh perhatian, Virginia Satir tersenyum dan berkata kepada sang ibu:
"Ibu harap tutup mata ibu dan bayangkan apa yang akan saya katakan"
Ibu itu kemudian menutup matanya.
"Bayangkan rumah ibu yang rapih dan karpet ibu yang bersih mengembang, tak ternoda, tanpa kotoran, tanpa jejak sepatu, bagaimana perasaan ibu?"
Sambil tetap menutup mata, senyum ibu itu merekah, mukanya yang murung berubah cerah. Ia tampak senang dengan bayangan yang dilihatnya.
Virginia Satir melanjutkan; "Itu artinya tidak ada seorangpun di rumah ibu. Tak ada suami, tak ada anak-anak, tak terdengar gurau canda dan tawa ceria mereka."
"Rumah ibu sepi dan kosong tanpa orang-orang yang ibu kasihi".
Seketika muka ibu itu berubah keruh, senyumnya langsung menghilang, nafasnya mengandung isak. Perasaannya terguncang. Pikirannya langsung cemas membayangkan apa yang tengah terjadi pada suami dan anak-anaknya.

"Sekarang lihat kembali karpet itu, ibu melihat jejak sepatu & kotoran di sana, artinya suami dan anak-anak ibu ada di rumah, orang-orang yang ibu cintai ada bersama ibu dan kehadiran mereka menghangatkan hati ibu".
Ibu itu mulai tersenyum kembali, ia merasa nyaman dengan visualisasi tersebut.
"Sekarang bukalah mata ibu" Ibu itu membuka matanya
"Bagaimana, apakah karpet kotor masih menjadi masalah buat ibu?"
Ibu itu tersenyum dan menggelengkan kepalanya.
"Aku tahu maksud anda" ujar sang ibu, "Jika kita melihat dengan sudut yang tepat, maka hal yang tampak negatif dapat dilihat secara positif".

Sejak saat itu, sang ibu tak pernah lagi mengeluh soal karpetnya yang kotor, karena setiap melihat jejak sepatu disana, ia tahu, keluarga yang dikasihinya ada di rumah.

Kisah di atas adalah kisah nyata. Virginia Satir adalah seorang psikolog terkenal yang mengilhami Richard Binder & John Adler untuk menciptakan NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) . Dan teknik yang dipakainya di atas disebut Reframing, yaitu bagaimana kita 'membingkai ulang' sudut pandang kita sehingga sesuatu yang tadinya negatif dapat menjadi positif, salah satu caranya dengan mengubah sudut pandangnya.

Terlampir beberapa contoh pengubahan sudut pandang :
1. Untuk istri yang mengatakan malam ini kita hanya makan mie instan, karena itu artinya ia bersamaku bukan dengan orang lain.
2. Untuk suami yang hanya duduk malas di sofa menonton TV, karena itu artinya ia berada di rumah dan bukan di bar, kafe, atau di tempat mesum.
3. Untuk anak-anak yang ribut mengeluh tentang banyak hal, karena itu artinya mereka di rumah dan tidak jadi anak jalanan.
4. Untuk Tagihan kartu kredit yang cukup besar, karena itu artinya saya harus bekerja untuk bayar cicilan.
5. Untuk sampah dan kotoran bekas pesta yang harus saya bersihkan, karena itu artinya keluarga kami dikelilingi banyak teman.
6. Untuk pakaian yang mulai kesempitan, karena itu
artinya saya cukup makan.
7. Untuk rasa lelah, capai dan penat di penghujung hari,
karena itu artinya saya masih mampu bekerja keras.
8. Untuk semua kritik yang saya dengar tentang pemerintah, karena itu artinya masih ada kebebasan berpendapat.
9. Untuk bunyi alarm keras jam 5 pagi yg membangunkan saya, karena itu artinya saya masih bisa terbangun, masih hidup.
10. Untuk dan seterusnya...

Jumat, 29 Juli 2011

Results30/07/2011 (Sabtu)

Whether you knit, crochet, quilt, or sew, you love creating something special! Congrats on becoming a Fan - there’s another level ahead if you can keep it up.
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You’ve unlocked the Social Networking Fan sticker for liking and checking-in to Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ five times. Keep on sharing to level up!
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You've joined Cali Lewis and John P. for a full hour of GeekBeat Live on Fridays at 4pm ET. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Livid Lobster.
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Cold Fish is going to make your blood run cold out of sheer terror. Check out the movie when it opens in theaters on 8/5. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Bloody Disgusting.
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You are captivated by the monstrous guitar riffs and raw lyrics featured on the song "Black Tongue." Stay tuned to hear more from Mastodon's fifth studio album, Hunter. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Warner Bros. Records
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Shout Out "Black Tongue"
You are hooked on their high energy guitar riffs and you can't stop listening to their catchy, fizzy punk-pop songs. Thank you for checking-in 5 times. You are a true fan. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Interscope Records.
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5 Times
You're a GeekBeat.TV geek. You can't get enough of these Livid Lobster shows. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Livid Lobster.
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You're watching Elton John's 60th Birthday Celebration. Thanks for watching MSG! Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at MSG Network.
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You're watching the new episode of Torchwood: Miracle Day. Enjoy your Oswald Danes sticker, and keep tuning in Fridays on Starz. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Starz.
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You're a fan of HIllbilly Handfishin', Skipper Bivins and Trent Jackson are teaching you the ins and outs of noodling catfish. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Animal Planet.
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5 Times
You feel a flutter in your heart every time you hear Il Volo's trio of beautiful, golden voices. Thank you for checking-in 5 times. You are a true fan. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Music Latin Entertainment.
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5 Times
Whether you paint, draw, or sculpt, you definitely appreciate art. Congrats on unlocking the Art Fan sticker.
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You can't help but fall in love with Luis Fonsi's emotional, heart-felt songs. You are a true fan. Thank you for checking-in 5 times. Share this one proudly. It's from our friends at Universal Music Latin Entertainment.
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5 Times
Great job checking-in whenever you cook. There’s another level ahead if you can take the heat!
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5 Times